Sunday, January 25, 2009

ACCESS--What is it?

     ACCESS or The Alabama Connecting Classroom, Educators, and Students Statewide is a technology initiative launched by the Alabama State Department of Education.  The program consists of IVF or Interactive Videoconferencing courses as well as Online courses offered to students in grades 9-12.   The purpose of the program is to provide, via technolkogy, an expanded curriculum of course offerings including Advanced Level Courses, Advanced Placement and/or dual Credit Courses, and other elective courses.  This is especially avantageous to rural and other schools with limited resources and course offerings.   These courses are taught by Highly Qoalified eTeachers who have a backgrjound knowledge in the subject area taught as well as advanced computer skills necessary to teach Online and IVF ocourses.  The program is divided into three support center regions serving the state of Alabama: Madison City Schools, the University of Alabama, and Troy University serving the North Mid and Southern regions respectively.  
This program allows for a sharing of knowledge and experience for the educators as well as interactive opportunities for students across the schools statewide. Students can becomne part of the 21st Century technological revolution as well as be exposed to ideas from other students across the state that they would not necessarily have hasd the opportunity to before. Like with ALEX or the Alabama Learning Exchange, this program allows for educators to increase understanding and knowledge through teaching and learning. It is for these reasons that I think that this groundbreaking initiative is a wonderful thing. It puts Alabama on the map educationally and shows others nationwide how serious we here in the deep south are about the education of our young people.

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