Monday, March 2, 2009

Dr. Alice Christie's Website

I was very impressed with Dr. Christie's website. It has invaluable information for educators who wish to use technology in their classrooms. She not only draws upon years of training, but also years of experience in her research. I especially like the way that she considers herself a lifelong learner. I agree with this in that we should never resign ourselves to what we already know about anything, but ought to see an opportunity to learn from every experience and every encounter with people each day, good or bad.
I was reading some of her articles and was struck by one particular article entitled Transforming Learning Through Technology. In it, she cited the inequality in some schools when it comes to receiving technology. Minority schools and schools in lower income neighborhoods generally do not have the kind of technological advances as their more privileged counterparts. I find this particularly disturbing because not only do I plan to tecah in inner city neighborhood schools, but also these schools of all schools need technology the most because for some of these students, this is the only exposure they will receive to prepare them to become independent thinkers and lifelong learners through the wonderful world of technology.

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