Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Is Google Making Us Stupid?

In his July/August Atlantic Monthly Magazine article entitled "Is Google Making Us Stupid," Nicholas Carr explains how he feels about the availability of information on the web superhighway and how that availability is affecting us mentally. He asserts that as we read and mentally digest so much concenrated information over time, the very way our brains are wired to process and think changes. According to him, we lose the deep thinking and reasoning capaacity that comes with more in depth material interpretation. He goes on to say that even though we lose this skill, we are gaining the access to much more factual intelligence. In fact, he asserts, our brains are becoming rewired to process such copius, fast paced, largely factual information. However, this makes us become more dependent on the computer for knowledge and the seemingly impending control of our facultieds by artifical intelligence, but how reasonable is he really being?
Technology and the fast pace of the internet has been for me very intimidating. I am one of those English majors who not only is used to but who also sees much merit in the long, involved read. I am not very good at digesting a lot of knowledge in a short period of time. Howevr, I do see the trend toward a more information prone society. I will use technology in my classroom because, after all, much can be gained by it and it is the way of the future. I want my students to be prepared for the what the future brings. However, I believe that both worlds can co-exist. I will also instill in my students the appreciation of more critical and literary thought. This is also good for the intellect. After all, we were created for thought. We cannot be so busty gathering information that we do not have an appreciation of it or of how to use it.

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