Thursday, April 30, 2009

My Take on Twitter

     I was  introduced to twitter in EDM 310 class one night.   Twitter, to my understanding, is a web based way to make short comments to others that you "tweet" or communicate with, much like a chat.   The entries are relatively short.  This reminds me of texting which I can do on my phone.  This is a social device.  I really don't see much good that it can be in the field of education unless teachers want to communicate ideas this way.  However in order to effectively communicate, I need much more space like in a blog.  The newscasts have talked about Twitter and how it has become the new sensation catching on fast around the world.   This is great for social situatiohns, but I do not see much academic good in it.   Online I found out what twitter is exactly. I have experience setting up a twitter account online.  I doubt that I will have much use for it since I stay very busy already.   Perhaps it would be good for interacting with fellow sorors that are miles away or for meeting new sorors that live in other places.  For this benefit, I will give twitter a try. 

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